How to choose a wedding photographer and organize a wedding photoshoot



Hello dear reader! My name is Ruben, I'm a photographer. I have been doing wedding photography for over 7 years. During these years, I shot weddings in Norway, France, Italy, etc.

Below I’ll represent some tips on how to choose a wedding photographer, how to organize a wedding shoot and consider other organizational issues.

  • Wedding photography mainly consists of 2 genres: staged and reportage. Stage photography is mostly done in a beautiful place with some piece of furniture. Reportage is unplanned footage, where the photographer records everything that happens at the wedding (emotion, excitement, happy moments, etc.).
  • Choose from a large list of photographers to make the right choice. If you have applied to a camera crew, then make sure which photographer will work with you.
  • Make your own choice of photographer, neither friends nor parents should choose the photographer. Choose a photographer whose photos are more pleasant to you, as each photographer has his own handwriting, style and taste.
  • Sleep early on the day before the wedding and relax to have a fresh look in the morning.
  • Choose a beautiful, bright, spacious room or hotel room for a morning shoot.
  • Invite your girlfriends in the morning to create a happy mood, and a little alcohol will help ease the tension.
  • Tell the photographer in advance about the details and accessories (bouquet, invitation card, ring, etc.).
  • It is desirable to invite a hairdresser and makeup artist to your place (home or hotel), thereby you will avoid the hassle. Choose the wedding dress that will make you feel most comfortable. Make sure that the skirt does not fall under the feet while walking.
  • On the day of the wedding, try not to deal with wedding planning issues, ask one of your friends to help you if you do not have a wedding planner or coordinator.
  • Be happy on your wedding day as it is your day: you must be positive! I forgot to say! When choosing a photographer, be sure to meet him beforehand, have a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. Make friends because friendships can inspire and give positive emotions on the day of the wedding.


Thank you for taking the time to read the article. I will answer any questions with pleasure.

Your photographer Ruben

Too often, the couples who choose me ask questions about the choice of hosts as well as the music bands.

Let me say! When choosing a host or band, be sure to get in touch with them before the wedding and visit the event where both the host and the camera crew are.


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